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Becoming a Living Organ Donor: The Story of a Life-Changing Decision for one LHCG Team Member

by Mar 28, 2024Culture1 comment

Our purpose statement – “It’s all about helping more people” – is something we often reiterate at LHC Group. And for good reason: This foundational statement guides our teams and the work they do each day. It’s not uncommon to see our team members embody this purpose while on the job, but it is especially heart-warming when we hear of them demonstrating our shared purpose in their own lives and in the communities they serve.

This is true for Sonya Carrier, a member of the Revenue Cycle team at Lafayette’s Home Office. Her unique story is one of selfless sacrifice for another – being a living donor for a young boy who was fighting for his life. It truly encapsulates what it means to give more of yourself in service to others.

Sonya’s journey to becoming a living donor started in August 2022. While at a baby shower for her first grandchild, she met the family of Brayden Zorn, who was at that time a three-year-old boy desperately in need of a new kidney. From birth, Brayden has faced a flurry of health complications and met them head on, defying medical expectations.

That chance meeting prompted Sonya to do further research about donating and explore the possibility of being a match for either Brayden or someone else in need. Within a few days, Sonya reached out to Tulane Medical Center to start the process and see if she might be a viable candidate.

“After several trips to New Orleans, multiple procedures, and what seemed like every evaluation possible, I was deemed a possible candidate and able to continue the process to see if I was a match,” Sonya said.

 After several months of lab work and cross-matching, Sonya learned she was indeed a match.

“A 100% perfect match!” she said.

The surgery to transplant Sonya’s kidney to Brayden had a few setbacks, but eventually, the day came. On September 27, 2023, they both went under the knife. Following surgery, the doctors stated that Brayden’s body had accepted the kidney almost instantly, and with each passing day he grew stronger and stronger.

“Today is he doing great! His overall health has improved 1000%!” Sonya said.

Brayden (now four years old) continues to defy the odds, making milestones outside of his medical journey.

“He has since been able to enroll in public school. Greatest of all – he is now living life as a normal child!” Sonya said.

Since the surgery, Sonya has had no changes in her health or well-being. All health screenings with her doctor have come back as normal. She kept her faith strong through the process.

“Brayden was the one facing so many battles and obstacles, yet he never lost his smile. How could I? Now with his transplant a success, I feel a bit at ease,” she said.

Sonya said it brightens her days knowing that a part of her is helping Brayden thrive, live, and love life. But she doesn’t want to be labeled a hero. For her, the act of giving wasn’t a grand gesture needing praise, but a choice to do what anyone would do when faced with the same opportunity; a chance to live up to the purpose we at LHC Group champion every day – helping more people.

“I did what needed to be done for that precious baby boy. Many tend to label me as a hero, but I think that is a little overrated. I did the right thing – what I believe anyone else would have done,” Sonya said.


Head over to to learn more about organ donation. To find out if you could be a living donor match for someone in need, check out

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle T

    This is such an amazing story! I understand the feeling about just doing the right thing and not being a hero. I am also a huge advocate of organ donation. Mine was not a live donation. I lost my two sons in a car accident and without hesitation agreed to organ donation. My boys were able to help four other people have better lives by them using heart valves and corneas from my boys. It helps to know that even in my loss my boys were able to touch others’ lives to make them better.


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