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Set and Keep Your Healthcare Resolutions in the New Year

by Dec 29, 2023Care0 comments

With each new year, comes a new list of resolutions to help start off on the right foot. After a few weeks, however, some will likely have fallen off track of their new goals.

So, how do we stop the new year’s slump and stay centered on achieving our health resolutions for 2024? Below are a few great ways to keep the spark alive and take charge of your commitments.

Set Realistic Goals

Make resolutions that you know you can keep. Start with choosing healthier food items during a meal, going to the gym a few times a week, or making that appointment to see your doctor. Your health goals should be attainable so start small and work your way towards the loftier goals by the year’s end.

Keep Track of Progress

Don’t let your progress go untracked. Without a way to see how your goals are being measured, you may feel like you’ve accomplished little or nothing at all. Keep a document or calendar of each day or week’s progress. After a month, you’ll look back on the work you’ve done and see that you’ve accomplished more than you realize.

Get a Support Group

Don’t go it alone. Bring friends or family along for your health journey to motivate you and keep you focused. Having a support group can keep you from becoming overwhelmed if you still aren’t quite reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Don’t be Too Hard on Yourself.

When it comes to health resolutions, we can often want to accomplish them quickly, but that’s not how our bodies work. Remember: minor missteps happen, and perfection is not attainable. Give yourself time to adjust to any new routines, medications, workouts, or life changes before calling it quits.

Talk to Your Doctor or Healthcare Provider

It is important with all health goals to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before starting anything new. Healthcare professionals are here to help and answer questions about your goals and determine what may be best for you. The right care can give you the confidence that your resolutions are being fully supported.

With these simple tips, you can be well on your way to achieving your 2024 health goals and creating new goals for an even better and healthier you for 2025.

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