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5 Common – but confusing health terms every person needs to know

by Jan 9, 2024Care0 comments

Sometimes, a visit to a healthcare provider can be downright confusing, especially if the patient is unsure of exactly what their doctor is saying.

To avoid leaving an appointment scratching your head and searching for a clearer understanding, it’s a good idea to get acquainted with some common medical terms and what they could mean for you.

Here is our list of five common but often confusing health terms that every person needs to know.

Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Some examples of chronic diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.


Hypertension is another name for what is commonly referred to as High Blood Pressure. Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but it can damage your heart and cause health problems if it stays high for a long time. Hypertension is blood pressure that is higher than normal.


Also concerning blood pressure, hypotension is when your blood pressure levels are lower than normal. According to the American Heart Association, the condition is benign if none of the symptoms show a lack of oxygen is present.


Inflammation is a symptom of your body’s immune response. Whether fighting viruses, bacteria or an injury, the body’s immune system will send out cells to repair. The result can be pain, swelling, bruising or redness, which doctors refer to as inflammation, according to Cleveland Clinic.

Upper Respiratory Infections

Receiving a diagnosis of an Upper Respiratory Infection means that there is irritation and swelling of the upper airways in the body. These locations include the nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and large airways. These infections can lead to other common diseases such as the common cold, influenza, and respiratory distress syndromes, according to the National Institutes of Health Remember, if you have questions about what your doctor is telling you, ask for clarification so you can better understand your health and care.

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